Company Profile


BeRRY BRoWN CaKe HoUsE New DeSiGn ReLeaSe

 Love Fruit Topping or Fruit Cake.. Here are some cakes design for you all review.

 Other Cakes Design


BeRRY BRoWN OrDer Form And PayMenT MetHod

Anyone who interest may leave an order form in our email

We ready to serve you 24 hours.

We will reply you within 3 hours to make confirmation and payment should be done within 4 days.

Order Form

Name: Jeck Tee

Telephone Number: 010-7865431

Delivery Address: 1, Tmn Angel, 

Delivery Time:

Celebration: Wedding/ Birthday
Cake Design: Name of the post n the cake design name
Package: Flower Quantities And Design, Chocolate Quantities And Design, T-Shirt Quantities And Design

*P/S If want require for other design or any special enquiries. Please mention in your email and we will refer back to you as soon as possible.

Payment Method
Name: Berry Brown Cake House
1. Maybank Account: 10849573000
2. CIMB Account: 27890000
3. Public Bank:13234654

After bank it, please specify the name,bank account, date, time, amount, reference number by sending message to 010-9546789 or email address and you will receive confirmation from us within 2 hours.

For the customer who want make payment by using credit card may do the transaction through the Malaysia biggest credt card firm which is ipay88. After the payment done, the customer may send reference number via sms to 010-7865431.

Any inquiries, you may call our hotline number 080-9522152.
Kindly leave your comment so that we may upgrade our services to fulfill your needs and wants.

BeRRY BRoWN BirthDaY DeSiGn (New)

These are some of the new cake designs release

White and Black Combination

Present Shape

Lovely Bear


Besides that, Berry Brown also develop out twelve horoscope and twelve zodiac for the birthday package.

Cow Zodiac

Goat Zodiac

Lion Zodiac

Monkey Zodiac

Aries Cake

Cancer Cake
There are 3D design available at our cake house

Fairy Hut
Lady Bird

Barbie Doll

Feel Wanna To Order.. Lets Take A Look on The Order Form and The Payment Method
Fill It and Wait confirmation From Us Within 3 Hours

BeRRY BRoWN BirthDaY PackAgE ProMoTioN

From 01 Oct - 30 Oct 2010, the price that shown as below is the promotional price, the price will be change after the promotion period. (No delivery charge at promotional period).The customer can choose whether want ala carte or in package.

The price list shown as below:

1/2 kg cake - RM 35.00
1kg cake - RM 40.00
2kg cake- RM 48.00

Cinderella Pumpkin Cart Design

Cinderella Shoe

Flip Flop 
Tiramisu Cake


Gift can be chose randomly:
Flower 1 Stalks (Wrap Nicely) - RM 9.00 ( Additional price will be charge if add on accessories)
There will be others choice of flower. It is depend on customer request. 

Roses Bouquet RM 150.00 ( 17 Stalks)
Roses Bouquet Rm 100 (11 Stalks)
Chocolate 100 grams or 6 pieces (Ferrero Rocher)- RM 7.00

Ferrero Rocher Bouquet RM 35.00 (22 pieces)
Ferrero Rocher 1 Bottle RM 18.00 ( 12 pieces)
Another Design RM 38.00 (24 pieces)

Heart Shape Rm 20.00 (16 pieces)

T-Shirt (Design By Berry Cake House) - RM 14.90

For Example:
1/2 kg cake + 10 roses = RM 35.00 + (RM 9.00 x 10) = RM 125.00
* P/S : There will be 10% discount if purchasing RM 120.00 above (Only Valid For Birthday Package NOT Ala Carte)

*There Will Be More Cake Design Uploaded.. Be Patient...

A special for those who is SPeciaL..

A special for those who is SPeciaL..
Will Be Offer only For certain period